As seen in DM-Rifts by 'bigpilague'

// Will spawn 'prototype' actors. Set Advanced/bDirectional to true and rotate to
// aim them.
class Spawner extends Triggers;

var() int MaxSpawns; // this many, -1 for infinite
var() int SpawnsPerTrigger; // how many to spawn each time triggered, -1 for inifinite
var() class<actor> prototype; // the template class
var() enum _SpawnerType

Spawner_Once, // one time, no more, no retrigger
Spawner_Triggered, // fire 'SpawnsPerTrigger' items off at 'interval'
Spawner_WhileTriggered // same as Triggered, but stops when untriggered

} SpawnerType;
var () float interval; // if more than one to spawn, # seconds between them

var bool bSpawnedAlready;
var int TotalSpawnsToGo;
var int SpawnsToGoThisTime;
var actor theOther;
var pawn theEventInstigator;

function BeginPlay()

bSpawnedAlready = false;
TotalSpawnsToGo = MaxSpawns;
SpawnsToGoThisTime = SpawnsPerTrigger;
if (interval < 0.1)

interval = 0.1; // don't flood it



function Timer ()

// would be nice to disable this routine when untriggered or empty
if (TotalSpawnsToGo != 0 && SpawnsToGoThisTime != 0)




function Trigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator )

local Actor m;
// if there are more left, and if we aren't a one-time thing that's already played..
if (TotalSpawnsToGo != 0 && !(bSpawnedAlready && SpawnerType == Spawner_Once))

bSpawnedAlready = true;
SpawnsToGoThisTime = SpawnsPerTrigger;
if (SpawnsToGoThisTime > TotalSpawnsToGo)
SpawnsToGoThisTime = TotalSpawnsToGo;
// Fire one off now, set a timer if we need to do more
theOther = Other;
theEventInstigator = EventInstigator;
if (TotalSpawnsToGo != 0)

SetTimer(interval, true);




function Untrigger( actor Other, pawn EventInstigator )

// would be nice to disable Timer
if (SpawnerType == Spawner_WhileTriggered)

SpawnsToGoThisTime = 0;


function SpawnMeOne()

local Actor m;
if (TotalSpawnsToGo != 0)


m = Spawn (prototype, theEventInstigator, Tag , Location, DesiredRotation);
if (theEventInstigator != None)

m.Instigator = theEventInstigator;


m.Instigator = Pawn(theOther);

if (Event != '')

m.Tag = Event;




MaxSpawns =-1;
SpawnsPerTrigger = -1;
SpawnerType = Spawner_WhileTriggered;
interval = 1.0;


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