(This page is under construction, so get off it)
'Course, you already know about the Unreal To X3D and VRML Converter and the 3DStudio Max Exporter, right?
UI Protos!
Simple wrappers for text and images. Rollover buttons! Sliders! Pop-up Menus! Spinners! More!
Designed to work with the latest Flux version, but applicable to anything, even old VRML.
Simplify your programming life with this automated SAI
API Generator
Ever needed to 'get at' a scene from external JavaScript, but didn't have the time/nerve to do it by hand? Then this is for you.
(This is Alpha Kwality software, ie: the UI stinks and there may be bugs, but it works pretty well for most things)
What you do is put a file name or URL into the file name field. Hit the GO button to load the scene. It will display in the top window (requires latest Flux player from www.mediamachines.com). Then it spiders the scene, creating function names in a tree list. You check (select) the API's you want, then hit the 'Generate SAI' button at the bottom and tell it where to store the JavaScript. What you get is Get/Set/On functions you can use. Get and Set are pretty self-explanatory. On methods are events that can fire, so you need to 'listen' for them. When the 'listener' 'hears' the event, it calls this 'On' function. So you need to add code to your 'On' functions to do something useful.
There are search and select functions too, hope to make it easier for you to find and select stuff. You can also save your selections for later use.
The seperator between Flux and the tree view is grabbable, so you can resize the windows.
You'll want this Flux.js support file, which handles some common things when using Flux. Some API's are made to mimic Contact's APIs. Eventually, this will evolve into a cross-plugin solution because those whacky plugin writers go and do their own danged thing, not like the spec helps much, but I rant.
I'll be writing a far more comprehensive tutorial as time allows.
Known big problems:
1. Only handles geometry nodes, not protos, externprotos, or routes
2. The 'search' functions are case-sensitve only for the moment.
3. Vec3 and Rotation funcs are not 100% yet, but you should be able to work with it.
Get it now:
SceneStealer - copies VRML/X3D worlds from one place to another, taking all external assets with. Great for the author that puts a ton of junk in one folder, then needs to copy out just what is used by the scene. Works across the 'net too.
MeshMender - Ever get a file (usually via conversion from some other format) that has polygons flipped willy-nilly? Like hand-flipping them? Right. Well this automates that process.